Design with confidence, knowing your colors are achievable on almost any conventional or digital press with the CMYK Color Guide Set (Coated & Uncoated) from Pantone. It contains 2868 CMYK colors, chromatically arranged for a more user friendly color browsing and selection process. Colors are marked to identify which colors have a PMS Formula Guide equivalent color, while ones without an asterisk are unique, meaning they don't have a close Pantone Matching System (PMS) spot color equivalent. These colors are designed for branding, packaging, and materials used in smaller brand campaigns where fresh, less exposed colors are desired. Each book contains thousands of unique colors with no PMS equivalent.
These guides are calibrated to exacting G7 specifications so users can achieve more accurate and consistently achievable results in real world printing conditions, as a G7 calibrated print process means that tints will closely match color appearance in your CMYK Guide when proofed or printed using G7 press reference conditions. Also, thanks to Pantone Connect, you'll be able to select, save, and share your CMYK color choices with those in your design workflow.